April 1st--Weekly---2019

Pretty Pettys Poem of the Week

Welcome to Pretty Petty Poetry Weekly. Every week, a different poet will write a poem. Enjoy.


You can't see them fall,
But deep inside they rain,
You can't treat them special,
Even when you are broken,
Those are tears of a man.

Blood can't be seen flowing,
For men it should be internal bleeding,
Who cares about what she did?
Most men are not abused,
So tears of a man are ignored.

Fingers can't be pointed at any women,
News papers can't be written about any abused men,
But there are,
Yes there is,
Tears of a man.

Emotional torture,
Sexual abuse,
All hidden inside strong bodies,
No one knows,
No one care,
Tears fall inside.

Women are abused worldwide,
So the law gives them too much love,
It's good,
But there is a bad,
Tears of a man.

Divorces tearing men apart,
Yet society can't see any fault,
No one sings the song,
No one sees the wrong,
But there are tears of a man falling.

More Than Poetry: We take “Pretty Petty Poetry” very, very seriously. Some people think poetry is very “old fashioned”, boring, and not that interesting. We can understand. To us, poetry is the true heart of a person. Amanda describes it as: lyrics without any music.

Pretty Pets: We want your feedback on “Pretty Petty Poetry”. We want to know on how we can improve on this business. We’re very open on your comments.