March 4th--Weekly---2019

Pretty Pettys Poem of the Week

Welcome to Pretty Petty Poetry Weekly. Every week, a different poet will write a poem. Enjoy.

The Ghetto

Raised in the dusty streets of the ghetto,
I knew I was destined for greater heights,
I had always known the life I wanted,
But was that life worth everything I loved?
Was that life worth my dreams?

My Actions almost cost me my life,
But still I refused to change,
Not because I was a fool but because crime had become the only way of surviving.

I grew up in the ghetto, the only toy I knew was the gun.
Just like any person ,
There came a time where I wanted to experience the pleasure of the gun,
I was born in the ghetto,
My dreams all died when I pulled the trigger.

My world was suddenly clouded,
All my dreams became blur,
Not a single sight was visible,
It was too late
To be regretful
Of the choices I had to make,
Like a candle the flame died.

I was born in the dusty streets of the ghetto,
My dreams died when I pulled the trigger.
My soul died in a prison cell,
It's the life I loved that killed me.

Was it all worth it...???


More Than Poetry: We take “Pretty Petty Poetry” very, very seriously. Some people think poetry is very “old fashioned”, boring, and not that interesting. We can understand. To us, poetry is the true heart of a person. Amanda describes it as: lyrics without any music.

Pretty Pets: We want your feedback on “Pretty Petty Poetry”. We want to know on how we can improve on this business. We’re very open on your comments.