Pretty Petty’s Poem of the Week
Welcome to Pretty Petty Poetry Weekly. Every week, a different poet will write a poem. Enjoy.
There won’t be a poem this week because I feel I really need to thank my team.
You are deeply changing me. Yes, we are different in many ways, but poetry, heck PPP, has brought us together because I obey Christ. In my life, I’ve seen a lot of miracles. But, I haven't seen your work, the way you put your stanzas, verses, and the tone of your poem is really beautiful. We have our fights, but who doesn't. We are family and family fights. But, it’s the love of poetry that heal us, and He helps me, personally, to understand you. Thank you for everything. I love you, all.❤
More Than Poetry: We take “Pretty Petty Poetry” very, very seriously. Some people think poetry is very “old fashioned”, boring, and not that interesting. We can understand. To us, poetry is the true heart of a person. Amanda describes it as: lyrics without any music.
Pretty Pets: We want your feedback on “Pretty Petty Poetry”. We want to know on how we can improve on this business. We’re very open on your comments.