Pretty Petty’s Poem of the Week
Welcome to Pretty Petty Poetry Weekly. Every week, a different poet will write a poem. Enjoy.
Spruced in time
Amid and surrounded
By net of moments
Shirking a moment
For a moment or covet
Fleeing from jaws of time
And marvel on the trend
Death of moment results
Death rendezvous with time
Take life into vastness
What will happen?
Will it be a pleasure or treasure?
When I will break a net of these moments
And flee myself from nets of time
Succession will surely
Take me out of the existence
Of reason and wobbly presence, and
Take me into vast lands of cosmic fortitude
And failure will honor me
The unchanged divine mortality
That relentlessly honors me philosophy
Of transformation to an undying eternity
Muhammad Azram
More Than Poetry: We take “Pretty Petty Poetry” very, very seriously. Some people think poetry is very “old fashioned”, boring, and not that interesting. We can understand. To us, poetry is the true heart of a person. Amanda describes it as: lyrics without any music.
Pretty Pets: We want your feedback on “Pretty Petty Poetry”. We want to know on how we can improve on this business. We’re very open on your comments.